“only in the spirit of love, sacrifice and great cost will we bring our breed to a state of genetic excellence”
Philipp GrünigPhilipp Grünig
“Judge, scientific breeder and profound student of the Dobermann”

Bastian von Goldschmieding

Bastian von Goldschmieding
Photo GalleryPhoto Gallery
DZB: 93657
DOB: 18-03-1982
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
HD: A-1
Titles: SchH 3, IPO 3, FH, ADPr
Körung: Angekört 1A (ZVA)


D.V. Erstkörung:

Körklasse 1 A (2 years of age).

Withers Height: 71.5 cm
Length: 71.5 cm
Chest Circumference: 88 cm
Chest Depth: 33 cm
Head Length: 31.5 cm
Eyes: brown
Back: short + firm
Croup: Rounded
Sharpness: middle
Protective Instinct: Very high pronounced
Fighting Spirit: Very high pronounced
Courage: Very high pronounced
Hardness: Very high pronounced
Conformation: very good

Bastian von Goldschmieding passed the Körung 'for life' with highest possible ratings for hardness and working drives (very high protection, fighting spirit, courage and hardness with middle sharpness). His sire, Bingo von Ellendonk, was the winner of the D.V. Meisterschaft in 1977 and passed the Körung 'for life' with highest ratings for hardness, courage and working drives. Bastian's dam, Assi von Langenhorst, was the FH-Landesmeister of Landesgruppe Westfalen and litter-sister to one of the most influential German males in Ali von Langenhorst.

Below are Bastian's most influential litters and offspring:

  • vom Worringer Bruch “D, F, G” litters with Anja vom Worringer Bruch:
    • Dino: SchH 3 and DV-DM participant.
    • Diva: SchH 3 and passed the Körung 'for life' with highest possible ratings for hardness and working drives. She was brood female for the Worringer Bruch Kennel in Nordrhein, Germany and dam of the vom Worringer Bruch “H, J, K, L, M” litters (Hanko, Hera, Joy).
    • Dunja: SchH 3, DV-DM participant and passed the Körung 'for life' with highest possible ratings for hardness and working drives (very high protection, courage, fighting and hardness with middle sharpness). She was the foundation female for the Warringhof Kennel in Germany and is dam of the “A, B, C, E, G” litters (Alfa, Aischa, Cöbes, Cher, Cocoa).
    • Gringo: SchH 3, FH, DV-DM participant and passed the ZTP with 1A rating for character and SG for conformation. He earned the highest protection score (98 points) in the 1994 D.V. Meisterschaft.
  • vom Teufelshof “E, G” litters with Fatima vom Ohmtal:
    • Elisha: IPO 3 and dam of the vom Teufelshof “I, K, L, O” litters (Kyra, Lump).
  • vom Teufelshof “E, G” litters with Donna vom Lindenhof:
    • Fasco: SchH 3, DV-DM participant.
    • Francis: SchH 3, FH and passed the Körung 'for life' with Körklasse 2A rating. She was the foundation female for the vom Westerberg kennel in Germany and dam of the “B, C” litters (Bella).
  • vom Fischbechi “C” litter with Baghera von Fischbechi:
    • Castor: SchH 3, FH and passed the Körung 'for life' with highest possible ratings for hardness and working drives.
Bingo von Ellendonk
DZB: 86210
HD: A-1
SchH 3, IPO 3, FH, Angekört 1A (ZVA)
DV-Leistungssieger in 1977
Jago von Beelen
DZB: 83381
HD: B-1
SchH 2, Angek 1A (ZVA), Int-Ch, Bdsg
Chico von Forell
DZB: 81130, Dt-Ch, Bdsg, DV-Sg
Dascha von Forell
DZB: 81481
Palma von Ellendonk
DZB: 81331
HD: A-1
SchH 3, FH, Ang. 1A (ZVA), DV-Lstsg
Miko von Fürstenfeld
DZB: 78340, SchH 1, Int+Lux-Ch
Iris von Ellendonk
DZB: 79034, SchH 1, DV-Sg
Assi von Langenhorst
DZB: 89470
HD: A-1
SchH 3, FH
FH-Landesmeister LG-Westfalen
Guys Hilo vom Norden Stamm
DZB: 88881
HD: A-1
SchH 3, FH, ZTP V 1A, Int-Ch, Euro-Sg
Bryan von Forell
DZB: 80934, Nor+Swe-Ch
Günthersforst Burga
KC: 109308, BrH 3, Nor-Ch
Biene von Niederkassel
DZB: 86317
HD: 1
SchH 3
Satan von Ellendonk
DZB: 82022, SchH 3, FH, Angekört 1A
Blanka von der Au
DZB: 82631, SchH 3, FH