“only in the spirit of love, sacrifice and great cost will we bring our breed to a state of genetic excellence”
Philipp GrünigPhilipp Grünig
“Judge, scientific breeder and profound student of the Dobermann”

Dixi von der Veste Otzberg

Dixi von der Veste Otzberg
DZB: 81638
DOB: 03-05-1969
Gender: Female
Colour: Black
Rating: V
Titles: SchH 1


Show Results:

  • D.V. Siegerin in 1971.

“This black bitch bred in Germany. The German judge Mr Wilking wrote about her at the Bundessiger show in Dortmund (1971): "an elegant bitch of the right size, strong back, noble neck, correct deep chest, stands good on the feet and is good angulated, eyes brown, good movement".
Although she did well in the shows she did not have many important titles. Dixi became in 1971 best bitch in the German Dobermann Championshow (DV-Sieger). She had an acceptable character and passed her Schutzhund 1.”

[By J.M. v.d. Zwan: In the beginning.....A history of the Dobermann]

Dixi was a foundation female for the vom Herrnberg Kennel in Germany and below are her most influential litters and offspring:

  • vom Herrnberg “C” litter with Bonni von Forell:
    • Candy: SchH 1 and dam of the von Mahuba “C” litter (Chanine).
    • Cindy: dam of the vom Herrnberg “F, H, L, N, P” litter (Fery Prinzess, Hella, Laika).
  • vom Herrnberg “E” litter with Nero von Beelen:
    • Esta: dam of the vom Binselberg “K, O, R, T” litters (Kenya).
Ali vom Forellenbächle
DZB: 79692

SchH 1
Bdsg, DV-Sieger
Argus vom Neroberg
DZB: 77881

SchH 3, Bdsg
Lump vom Basterhof
DZB: 76420
Gina von Fürstenfeld
DZB: 78763, SchH 3, FH
Astrid von Eichenhain
DZB: 78671
Jago von Fürstenfeld
DZB: 77551, SchH 2
Hella von Forell
DZB: 77433
Anjara von der Veste Otzberg
DZB: 80182
Rondo von Forell
DZB: 79038

SchH 1, Bdsg
Arco of Fayette Corner
ÖHZB DP: 7759, SchH 3, IDC-Sieger
Cita Germania
DZB: 77767, Bdsg
Anka von Eichenhain
DZB: 78668
Jago von Fürstenfeld
DZB: 77551, SchH 2
Hella von Forell
DZB: 77433