“only in the spirit of love, sacrifice and great cost will we bring our breed to a state of genetic excellence”
Philipp GrünigPhilipp Grünig
“Judge, scientific breeder and profound student of the Dobermann”

Lump von Hagenstolz

Lump vom HagenstolzPhoto GalleryPhoto Gallery
DZB: 70473
DOB: 30-01-1954
Gender: Male
Colour: Black
Titles: SchH 1


  • 2 - 2..........Alex von Kleinwaldheim.
  • 3 - 3..........Dieter vom Willersee.
  • 3 - 3..........Asta von Gross Hagen.

Show Results:

  • FCI World Champion in 1956 & 1957.
  • Bundessieger in 1960.

“In 1956 and in 1957 Lump von Hagenstolz (1953, Alf v. Hagenfreund x Dina v. Klockenhof) twice became World Champion. He was the most influential stud dog in Europe of the fifties. He sired a lot of important progeny and his name appears on the tail end of the pedigrees of many modern Dobermanns.”

[by J.M. v.d. Zwan: In the beginning.....A history of the Dobermann]

Alf von Hagenfreund
DZB: 48/905

SchH 1
Alex von Kleinwaldheim
DZB: 57139

SchH 1, Bdsg
Ajax vom Simbach
DZB: 53728
Carola vom Südharz
DZB: 54675
Amsel von Hagenstolz
DZB: 47/74

SchH 3
Dieter vom Willersee
DZB: 55375
Asta von Gross Hagen
DZB: 55550
Dina von Klockenhof
DZB: 65348
Alex von Kleinwaldheim
DZB: 57139

SchH 1, Bdsg
Ajax vom Simbach
DZB: 53728
Carola vom Südharz
DZB: 54675
Addi von Hagenstolz
DZB: 47/73
Dieter vom Willersee
DZB: 55375
Asta von Gross Hagen
DZB: 55550