“only in the spirit of love, sacrifice and great cost will we bring our breed to a state of genetic excellence”
Philipp GrünigPhilipp Grünig
“Judge, scientific breeder and profound student of the Dobermann”

Hertog Alpha van Le Dobry

Hertog Alpha van Le Dobry
Photo GalleryPhoto Gallery
NHSB: 1105438
DOB: 09-12-1979
Gender: Male
Colour: Black
Height: 71.5 cm
Titles: SchH 3, IPO 3, VH 3, FH, ADPr
Körung:   Angekört 1A (ZVA)


Working Results:

  • Tagessieger in Papenburg: 100-98-100 = 298 points.
  • DVIN Individual Championship: 3rd place in 1984 and 1985.
  • Highest scores gained in SchH 3:
    • Phase A: 100 points.
    • Phase B: 100 points.
    • Phase C: 100 points.

Show Results:

  • International Champion.
  • German Champion.
  • Netherlands Champion.
  • Luxembourg Champion.
  • Youth Welter-Sieger in 1981.
  • D.V. Sieger in 1982.
  • VDH Sieger.
  • Landesgruppen Sieger in 1981, 1982, 1983.
  • Best Dobermann All Breeds in 1985.

D.V. Körung:

9th June 1985 in Essen

Körklasse 1 A. ZVA.

Withers Height: 71.5 cm
Length: 71 cm
Chest Circumference: 88 cm
Chest Depth: 32 cm
Head Circumference: 47 cm
Head Length: 30 cm

Overall Evaluation: powerful constitution; pronounced gender type; dense fur, very good colour, very good markings; normal developed testicles.

Head: correct forehead; parallel head planes; bridge of the nose straight; powerful upper jaw, powerful under jaw; full scissor bite; eyes medium-size, oval and dark-brown; correctly styled and cropped ears.

Neck: correct length; harmonious and appropriately built.

Back: short and firm.

Croup: very good.

Chest: good depth; very good width; very good rib curvature; good fore-chest.

Underline: normal; tucked up.

Frontlimbs: good angulation; correct upper arm length; shoulder blades diagonally placed; elbows are good and close; correct pasterns; good stance; short and closed paws; powerful bone.

Hindlimbs: very good angulation; very good bemuskelung; thighs are of good length; knees in alignment; correct rear pasterns; medium-strong hocks; short and closed paws; powerful bone.

Gait: well-balanced gaiting; good front reach; good rear push, good firmness in back, ligaments and joints.

Nature Evaluation: Calm.

General character in rest position: Calm.

Behaviour in the Group: Natural.

Effect from sudden noise: calm and sure.

Gunshot Test: unconcerned.

Aggression and courage test: middle sharpness, very high protective instinct, fighting spirit and courage and hardness.

Recommendation for breeding utilisation: overall harmonious male, no limitation for breeding.

Hertog Alpha van Le Dobry achieved the highest possible ratings for courage and hardness at his Körung 'for life' in 1985 (as did his dam Tanja van de Kunnemaborgh in 1983). He twice came third in the DVIN working championships, and in 1985 he shared the podium with Bonni von Nettetal and Björn van Stokebrand. He also won some regional working trails. Hertog Alpha lived to 11 years of age and tested clear for PHTVL/PHPV.

“This black male was bred in Holland. He was an excellent sire whose potency first became recognized in Belgium and later in Holland and the rest of Europe, especially after the success of his Belgian offspring. Bitches came to him from all over Europe. He became a significant force for the breed in all parts of Europe. He raised the mean level of the breed. Today his blood is found in almost every important bloodline. But this could be dangerous for the breed in the future, while oversaturation by any one dog, with its attendant faults can damaged the entire breed. According to Mr O. Vogel the breeders must not overlook this danger or pass by in silence. Like every dog Alpha had some faults but his most serious fault was his bad movement, which he transmitted to some of his progeny. So the breeders have to pay attention to this now and in the future. But let us return to his qualities. He has sired many excellent and attractive Dobermanns and did improve the type. He was the sire of more than 40 Champions. The Dutch judge Mr. Wieldraaier said: “this dog is a beautiful specimen, nice head, dark eye, good dentition, good neck and shoulders, hindquarters are well-angulated, nice coat and dark markings”. Hertog Alpha won the Dutch Winner title in 1981. In 1985 he passed the 'Körung' with Class 1A for life. His fighting and protecting spirit was very high as was his courage and hardness. Of course he passed his Schutzhund III exam. He died in 1991.”

[by J.M. v.d. Zwan: In the beginning.....A history of the Dobermann]

Hertog Alpha was an extremely popular sire throughout Europe and below are his most influential litters and offspring:

  • van het Wantij “H” litters with Esmir van Hermansjomaik:
    • Hargos: SchH 3, FH and passed the Körung 'for life' with Körklasse 1B rating plus winner of numerous show titles.
    • Heidi: SchH 3 and dam of the van het Wantij “C, E, H, P, U, Y” litters.
  • vom Deister “A” litter with Chiela vom Odenwald:
    • Arthos: SchH 3 and passed the Körung with the highest rating plus a winner of numerous German show championships. He is sire of the von Toering “A” litter (Arogon).
    • Asta: SchH 1 and dam of the vom Deister “F, K, O” litters (Karlo, Karin) and von Forell “I” litter (Illex).
  • vom Franckenhorst “G” litter with Vivre Vivien vom Franckenhorst:
    • Graf Guido: SchH 1 and passed the ZTP with 1A rating for character and V for conformation plus winner of numerous show titles. He is sire of the von Frankenland “N” litter (Nelson) and vom Grenzturm “I” litter (Iska).
    • Gringo:SchH 3 and passed the Körung 'for life' with Körklasse 1A rating plus winner of numerous show titles. He is sire of the von der Ruine Hohenberg “G” litter (Grynet).
  • van de Struyver “A, B, E, D, G, K, N, S” litters with Dewi von der Räuberhöhle:
    • Nathan: SchH 3, DV-DM participant.
Don Dayan vom Franckenhorst
NHSB: 717387
HD: B-1
SchH 1
Int+Dt+Ned-Ch, DV-Sg, VDH-Sg
Bryan von Forell
DZB: 80934
HD: A-1
Vello von Fürstenfeld
DZB: 79814, SchH 3, Angekört 1 (ZVA)
Kira von Romberg
DZB: 78325
Olive of Bamby's Pride
NPDD: 13032
Odin von Forell
DZB: 78769, SchH 2, Int+Dt+Mon-Ch
Rita von Forell
DZB: 79043, SchH 1, Bdsg
Tanja van de Kunnemaborgh
NHSB: 1031873
SchH 1
Angekört 1A (ZVA)
Candy van't Smeulveen
NHSB: 786896
HD: A-1
SchH 1, ZTP V1A, Int+Dt+Ned-Ch, Bdsg
Don Dayan vom Franckenhorst
NHSB: 717387, SchH 1, Int-Ch, DV-Sg
Centa vom Eschenhof
DZB: 83847, HD: 1
Toba van Haliwolwi
NHSB: 508230
HD: B-1
Miko von Fürstenfeld
DZB: 78340, SchH 1, Int+Lux-Ch
Tasja van Haliwolwi
NHSB: 383857