“only in the spirit of love, sacrifice and great cost will we bring our breed to a state of genetic excellence”
Philipp GrünigPhilipp Grünig
“Judge, scientific breeder and profound student of the Dobermann”

Akim von Vaciweba

Akim von Vaciweba
NHSB: 1010815
DOB: 28-02-1978
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
HD: A-1
Height: 69 cm
Weight: 39 kg
Rating: V
Titles: SchH 3, IPO 3, FH, ADPr
Körung: Angekört 1A (ZVA)


Erstkörung at 2 years of age:

Withers Height: 70 cm
Length: 67 cm
Chest Circumference: 82 cm
Chest Depth: 29.5 cm
Head Length: 31 cm
Muzzle: good depth + width
Back: short + firm
Eyes: medium-brown
Croup: rounded
Test of Courage:: very pronounced
Hardness: very pronounced
Conformation: very good

Akim von Vaciweba competed in the D.V. Meisterschaft and passed the Körung 'for life' with highest rating for hardness and working drives (very pronounced protective instinct and pronounced courage). His brother Aick von Vaciweba scored highly many times in protection and 98 points in the 1982 Nordrhein Prüfung while his sister Alice von Vaciweba was the foundation female for the van Fellowstolz kennel in the Netherlands. Akim's sire, Yago von Ellendonk, passed the Körung 'for life' with highest rating for hardness and working drives and lived to 8 years of age.

Akim sired some outstanding working litters and offspring and below are his most influential:

  • von der Weyermühle “B” litter with Alfa von der Weyermühle:
    • Bingo: SchH 3, FH and passed the Körung 'for life' with highest possible rating for hardness and working drives. He is sire of the von Warringhof “A, B, C” litters (Alfa, Aischa, Cöbes, Cher, Cocoa).
    • Boris: SchH 3, FH and passed the Körung 'for life' with highest possible rating for hardness and working drives. He is sire of von der Weyermühle “C, E, D, G” litters (Gero, Gina); von der Klingenstadt “I, K” litters (Ijanko, Kira); von der Mooreiche “D” litter (Djenna) and vom Worringer Bruch “H” litter (Hanko, Hera).
  • von der Mooreiche “B” litter with Brista vom Reuschenberg:
    • Björi: SchH 3 and placed 3rd at the D.V. Meisterschaft in 1988 with 287 points.
    • Bo: SchH 3 and passed the Körung 'for life' with Körklasse 2A rating. She is dam of the von der Mooreiche “H” litter (Hassan, Hexe).
  • vom Teufelshof “B” litter with Donna vom Lindenhof:
    • Bandit: SchH 3 and D.V. Leistungssieger in 1994. He is sire of the vom Teufelshof “H, I, K” litters (Hesta, Kyira).
    • Balou: SchH 3 and sire of the vom Teufelshof “J, L, O” litters (Lump) and vom Lindenhof “D” litter (Diane).
Yago von Ellendonk
DZB: 84475
HD: 1
SchH 1
Angekört 1A (ZVA)
Satan von Ellendonk
DZB: 82022
HD: B-1
SchH 3, FH, Angekört 1
Gero von Ellendonk
DZB: 78108, SchH 3, DM-participant
Afra von Hohenstaufen
DZB: 80145
Vesta von Ellendonk
DZB: 82531
HD: 1
SchH 1, DV-Siegerin
Chico von Forell
DZB: 81130, Dt-Ch, Bdsg, DV-Sg
Jessy von Ellendonk
DZB: 79225, SchH 1
Raquina's X'Webby
LOSH: 340307
HD: A-1
VH 3, ZTP V 1A
Lex von Beelen
DZB: 83641
HD: 1
SchH 2, Bdsg, DV-Sg
Chico von Forell
DZB: 81130, Dt-Ch, Bdsg, DV-Sg
Elfi von Hagenstern
DZB: 82068
Gina von Hagenstern
DZB: 82775
HD: 1
Bonni von Forell
DZB: 80937, SchH 1, Int+Dt-Ch, Bdsg
Dona von Eichenhain
DZB: 82631, SchH 1, Int+Dt-Ch, Bdsg