“This black male won a Bundessieger-title in 1970. He was a powerfully built dog, very square and compact with good bone. He had a good, deep chest, good reach of upper arm, correct topline and tailset. His rear angulation could have been better. His head was proportionate to his body but was rather roman-nosed.
For a working dog he had the wrong sort of temperament. According to Mr. Vogel Chico lacked 'Fighting spirit' and the will to work. He never gained a working certificate. However he passed on many good points and had among his off spring are 4 Dutch Champions and Flint von Forell. He was a good dog to put too finely boned bitches.
He won the DV-Sieger in 1969. The judge Mr. Utecht said: "of excellent type, nice blunt wedge type head with a strong muzzle. A strong back and a wide deep chest. Excellent angulation fore and aft, a dog with nobility".”
[by J.M. v.d. Zwan: In the beginning.....A history of the Dobermann]
Chico did much to improve the overall appearance of the Dobermann and also produced some offspring who contributed in improving the working temperament. Below are his most influential litters and offspring:
- von Ellendonk “V” litter with Jessy von Ellendonk:
- Vesta: SchH 1, DV-Siegerin in 1972 and dam of the von Ellendonk “Y” litter (Yago, Yuku).
- von Beelen “J” litter with Dascha von Forell:
- Jago: SchH 3 and passed the Körung 'for life' with highest rating for hardness and working drives. He is sire of the von Ellendonk “B” litter (Bingo); vom Zenn “B” litter (Bronco); van de Eland “E” litter (Egor); von Haus Kann “A” (Amon) and vom Karmannshof “B” litter (Britta).
- vom Franckenhorst “A, C, E, J” litters with Amarilda von der Wachenburg:
- Alva: SchH 1 and passed the Körung with Körklasse 1A rating. He is sire of the van Rensloo “A” litter (Baron Cecar; Barones Eva; Bonita); van de Eland “C” litter (Cristel) and von der Westfalenhalle “I” litter (Iwo).
- Ceylonia: dam of the van Stokebrand “A, B,C” litters (Björn).
- Comtesse Charmaine: dam of the vom Franckenhorst “L, P” litters (Lord Dayan, Lothar).
- Ero: SchH 3, DV-DM participant and passed the Körung with highest rating for hardness and working drives. He is sire of the vom Herrnberg “H” litter (Hella); van Diaspora “D” litter (Dan Diaz) and vom Franckenhorst “U” litter (Ursusm Uri).
- von Beelen “F” litters with Anuschka von Cringila:
- von Beelen “L, R” litters with Elfi von Hagenstern:
- Lex: sire of Raquina's “W” litter (Webby) and von Forell “E, K” litters (Earl, Kim)
- Ralf: sire of the vom Widdershof “I” litter (Ina).
- vom Stifthub “A” litter with Hesta von Ellendonk:
- Amanda: SchH 1 and dam of the vom Ferrolheim “A, C, E, G, K” litters (Aldo, Abbas, Keegan).
- von Forell “F” litter with Kira von Romberg:
- Flint: SchH 1 and sire of the vom Eschenhof “E” litter (Eick, Eni), von Beelen “N, P” litter (Nero); von Hagenstern “N” litter (Nero) and von Forell “H” litter (Hardes).
- von Forell “I” litter with Gräfin von Hagenstern:
- Ingo: sire of the dei Piani di Praglia “M” litter (Medina).
- von Hagenstern “F” litter with Sonja von der Brünoburg:
- Fee: dam of the vom Eschenhof “C, E, K, M” litters (Centa, Eick, Eni, Mira).
- von der Kaiserburg Nürnberg “G, K” litters with Espe von der Veste Otzberg:
- Kessie: SchH 1 and passed the Körung with Körklasse 1 rating. She is dam of the vom Gaxhardter Wald "G" litter (Gitta) and vom Kloster-Kamp "J, M, R" litters (Mirko).