“only in the spirit of love, sacrifice and great cost will we bring our breed to a state of genetic excellence”
Philipp GrünigPhilipp Grünig
“Judge, scientific breeder and profound student of the Dobermann”

Curd von der Urftquelle

Curd von der Urftquelle
Photo GalleryPhoto Gallery
DZB: 110963
DOB: 11-06-1998
Gender: Male
Colour: Black
HD: A-1
Height: 70 cm
Weight: 40 kg
Titles: SchH 3, IPO 3, FH, ADPr
Körung: Angekört 2A (ZVA)


Working Results:

D.V. Deutsche Meisterschaft

  • 2002: 96-80-85 = 261 points (23rd).

VPG III Trial in Kaunitz

  • 26/08/2001: 88-91-88 = 267 points.
  • 07/04/2001: 100-93-93 = 286 points (1st).
  • 06/04/2002: 100-97-95 = 292 points.

LG-FH1 Trial in Westfalen

  • 2001: 99 points (1st).

D.V. Körung:

10th May 2003

Körklasse 2 A. ZVA.

Nature: calm
Behaviour in Group: natural and impartial
Gunshot: unconcerned
Sharpness: middle
Protective Instinct: very high
Fighting Spirit: very high
Courage: very high
Hardness: very high

Curd von der Urftquelle was the FH Tracking Champion of Westfalen in 1997 with 99 points and competed in the D.V. Meisterschaft in 2002. He also passed the Körung 'for life' with highest rating for hardness, courage and working drives with middle sharpness. His sire, Doberwache's Amatzon, was a qualified SEK (SWAT) Polizeidiensthund and his dam, Ohra von der Weyermühle, passed the Körung with Körklasse 2B rating. Curd's paternal grand-dam, Kleo von der Weyermühle, was the winner of the working IDC World Championship in 1996 and his maternal grand-sire, Hertog Conan van Manensheide, was the winner of the D.V. Meisterschaft in 1993.

Curd lived to 10 years of age, his sire to 9 years of age and dam to 7 years of age. Curd has proven to be a good producer of working ability and below are his most influential litters and offspring:

  • von der Burgstätte “C” litter with Brista von der Doberwache:
    • Calle: IPO 3 and passed the ZTP with 1A for character and SG for conformation. He is sire of the von der Burgstätte “I” litter and vom Aurachgrund “O” litter (Orthos).
    • Carla: IPO 3 and passed the ZTP with 1A for character and SG for conformation. She is dam of the von der Burgstätte “E, F, G” litters (Ernst, Ehnoa, Esta).
  • vom Edertal “Q” litter with Inka vom Edertal:
    • Quint: SchH 3, IDC-WM participant and passed the ZTP with 1A rating for character and SG for conformation.
Doberwache's Amatzon
DZB: 110786
HD: A-1
SchH 3, FH 2, SEK, ZTP SG 1A
Papin Amatzon
SF: 09497/87
HD: A-1
SchH 3, JK 3, HK 3, SF KVA M-1992
Cäsar von der Klingenstadt
DZB: 95988, SchH 3, IPO 3, KORAD
Papin Orinda
SF: 134364/82, HD: A-1
Kleo von der Weyermühle
DZB: 103628
HD: A-1
SchH 3, FH 2, ZTP SG 1A, IDC-Lstsg
Amor von der Weyermühle
DZB: 93733, SchH 3, FH, ZTP SG 1A
Gina von der Weyermühle
DZB: 100302, SchH 3, FH, ZTP SG 1A
Ohra von der Weyermühle
DZB: 106886
HD: A-1
SchH 3
Angekört 2B
Hertog Conan van Manensheide
NHSB: 1647154
HD: A-1
SchH 3, FH, Ang. 1A (ZVA), DV-Lstsg
Wasko vom Binselberg
DZB: 95764, SchH 3, FH, Angekört 1A
Udine von Frankenland
DZB: 96597, IPO 2, UV
Hera von der Weyermühle
DZB: 101326
HD: A-1
SchH 3, ZTP G 1A
Argus vom Geronatal
DZB: 93903, SchH 3, Angekört 1A
Alfa von der Weyermühle
DZB: 93737, SchH 3, ZTP 1B