“only in the spirit of love, sacrifice and great cost will we bring our breed to a state of genetic excellence”
Philipp GrünigPhilipp Grünig
“Judge, scientific breeder and profound student of the Dobermann”

Jago von Beelen

Jago von BeelenPhoto GalleryPhoto Gallery
DZB: 83381
DOB: 03-06-1971
Gender: Male
Colour: Brown
HD: B-1
Height: 68 cm
Rating: V
Titles: SchH 2, ADPr
Körung:   Angekört 1A (ZVA)


  • 5 - 5,5..........Alf von Hagenfreund.
  • 5 - 5,5..........Dina von Klockenhof.
  • 4 - 4,4..........Lump von Hagenstolz.
  • 5 - 5.............Alex von Kleinwaldheim.

Show Results:

  • International Champion.
  • German Champion.
  • Bundessieger in 1972.
  • D.V. Sieger in 1973.

Jago von Beelen lived to 10½ years of age and passed the Körung 'for life' with highest rating for hardness and working drives. His maternal grand-sire, Vello von Fürstenfeld, competed in the D.V. Meisterschaft and also passed the passed the Körung 'for life'.

“Jago was an excellent red male. He won the Bundessieger title in 1972. Mr. Hirscher the German judge wrote: “a very strongly built male with a good head, reasonably dark eyes, correct dentition, good stop. Good neck flowing correctly into topline. Good topline and correct hindquarters”.
Jago became an international Champion, a German Champion and DV-Sieger.
He passed his Schutzhund II with a score of 72-83-82. He passed the Körung 'for life' with Class 1.
Mr. Vogel has the opinion that Jago had a steady temperament, he had the will to work and plenty of spirit. Jago produced some good progeny with particularly good bodies. According to Mr. Vogel his head was not as good as people thought.”

[by J.M. v.d. Zwan: In the beginning.....A history of the Dobermann]

Jago produced some extremely important offspring who did much to improve the working temperament of the Dobermann. Below are his most influential litters and offspring:

  • von Ellendonk “B” litter with Palma von Ellendonk:
    • Bingo: SchH 3, FH, D.V. Leistungssieger in 1977 and passed the Körung 'for life' with highest rating for hardness and working drives. He is sire of the von der Weyermühle “A” litter (Amor, Arco, Asko, Anouk, Alfa); von der Klingenstadt “A, C” litters (Anja, Cäsar, Cleopatra); von Goldschmieding “B” litter (Bastian); vom Reuschenberg “B, C, D” litters (Brista); vom Kloster-Kamp “I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T” litters (Mirko, Nicolai); von der Kollau “A, D” litters (Aron, Alexa); vom Nettetal “B, D, F” litters (Bonni, Denice); vom Papenkamp “C, D” litters (Cora); vom Wilden Markgraf “H, I” litters (Hektor, Hexe); vom Gaxhardter Wald “H” litter (Hella) and vom Kirchbühl “I” litter (Ilo).
  • vom Zenn “B” litter with Elke vom Pfälzer Waldheim:
    • Bronco: SchH 3, sire of the vom Heiderhof “A” litter (Alexa); vom Binselberg “Q” litter (Quecke; Queen); vom Kirchbühl “K, M” litters (Muse) and vom Gaxhardter Wald “I, K” litters (Ilk; Kessy).
  • van de Eland “E” litter with Cristel van de Eland:
    • Egor: SchH 1 and sire of the van de Groote Maat “A, E, F” litters (Ebo).
  • von der Eich “B” litter with Xyla von Ellendonk:
    • Ben: SchH 3, FH and sire of the van de Eland “H” litter (Hertogin, Holly) and vom Holzbergerhof “I” litter (Ina).
  • von Haus Kann “A” litters with Yuku von Ellendonk:
    • Amon: sire of the vom Reuschenberg “A” litter (Aschra, Assna).
  • vom Karmannshof “B” litter with Zamba von Ellendonk:
    • Britta: SchH 2 and dam of the vom Nettetal “A” litter (Anuk).
  • von Füssje “A” litter with Baska vom Eisenborner Schloss:
    • Araf: SchH 3, DV-DM participant and Landesmeister Westfalen in 1986.
    • Aimee: SchH 1 and dam of the vom Hause Ehrlich “I” litter (Ingeborg).
Chico von Forell
DZB: 81130

Dt-Ch, Bdsg, DV-Sg
Odin von Forell
DZB: 78769

SchH 2, Int+Dt+Mon-Ch
Falko von Hagenstolz
DZB: 76522, SchH 1, Bdsg
Iris von Forell
DZB: 77618
Cita Germania
DZB: 77767

Cäsar von Weideneck
DZB: 71987, SchH 3, FH
Reni Germania
DZB: 74717
Dascha von Forell
DZB: 81481
Vello von Fürstenfeld
DZB: 79814
HD: A-1
SchH 3, Angekört 1 (ZVA)
Bordo von Fürstenfeld
DZB: 75537
Citta von Fürstenfeld
DZB: 76173, Swiss-Ch, IDC-Sg, Bdsg
Kira von Romberg
DZB: 78325
Bingo vom Dornberg
DZB: 71115, SchH 3
Ilka von Romberg
DZB: 76897